In Walsall we promote the 8 ways to wellbeing – two of which are learning and giving to others
As a colleague, a service provider as well as a family member YOU can help people to improve the health & wellbeing of other people in a number of different ways.
The aim of the Health Chats course is to develop people’s confidence to have a brief opportunistic conversation with individuals to help them to take better care of their health and wellbeing.
This FREE one day Health Chats training programme, which includes a level 2 Royal Society of Public Health qualification, provides you with the, knowledge, skills and confidence to:
- Be able to raise healthy lifestyle issues with people with confidence
- Be able to assess motivation and inspire people to make positive choices
- Understand current health priorities in Walsall
- To have conversations about lifestyle behaviour change
- Signpost people to a range of organisations/websites and apps to help them make changes
- Then keep that person motivated to achieve their goal
FREE: One day training course
Delivered in small interactive groups: Delivery can be virtual or face to face in a covid secure way We welcome booking from individuals or groups
Our passionate, knowledgeable and experienced trainers look forward to booking you or staff from your organisation onto this really important course As a small army of health chatters we aim to make a real difference to the health & wellbeing of those who live or work in Walsall
If you would like information on other training opportunities in Walsall then please visit Walsall Works.
If you live, work or are registered with a GP in Walsall, you are eligible to book onto this one day course. We also welcome opportunities to come to your organisation to deliver this training, for instance in community organisations , in workplaces or with health & social care providers.
CALL US ON 01922 444 044 and make an appointment with one of our healthy lifestyle specialists or get in touch here.
‘’I thoroughly enjoyed the training and found the content and information very useful in my current job role’’
‘’I think the training was very good in fact I was more impressed by the amount of information presented in such a short space of time’’
‘’In all honesty I loved it all, thank you so much’’
‘’Thoroughly enjoyable and educational session’’
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